South Florida Newborn Photographer // In-Home Session

It’s something special when your baby brother has a babe of his own. Photographing baby Sanders & his adoring parents during their first week home as a family was such an honor. This mama was a champ, growing this massive dude, and both Davis and Lindsay are such naturals already.

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it forever: In-home sessions are great for so. many. reasons., especially for this newborn season. To have your memories captured in the place you’ve brought your baby home to, to incorporate your Star Wars lego and plant collections, to feed your baby while basking the dreamy window light, guitar serenades, matching college T-Shirts, and proudly wearing those beautiful mama tiger stripes. This is what encapsulates that magical, blurry time vortex that is postpartum. So proud of these parents & so in love with my perfect squishy nephew Sanders boy!

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imagery for the Laid back dreamers

South Florida • Photo & Design



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